Simple Guidelines To Write A Perfect Assignment

19 Jan 2018

The task of writing is something which we have somehow related to our work in our entire life. From high school to working in an office, the level and methods of writing may change but the task remains the same throughout.  As we strive to study further, we get assignments and tasks of writing on topics which can be tricky sometimes. Having a perfect written assignment requires some things to be considered which this article highlights and can also be seen on online assignment help UK, which will help you write like a professional and enable you to secure good reputation.

Simple Guidelines To Write A Perfect Assignment

Plan Your Writing:

Writing your assignment according to marks and percentage is essential because it helps you to decide how much time to invest in the task. You need to know the marking criteria of the assignment so that you are able to target those points which will get you marks and achieve your task of writing. This will also help you to focus on the main topic and keep you on the right track for writing. Then you need to divide your time into the functions of the writing task like drafting, reviewing and editing, giving each function a deadline so that you don’t waste any time than necessary.

Simple Guidelines To Write A Perfect Assignment

Analyzing the Topic:

The task of writing is because of a purpose which you need to understand and write accordingly. You need to properly read the questions asked on the topic so that you are able to get what you need to write on, and then you need to read the instructions of the topic so that you can follow the given instructions properly and avoid negative marking or feedback. You need to make points for what you are required to do so that you are able to write according to those points later for example if the question asks you to define something then you need to start your writing with the definition of the topic.

Simple Guidelines To Write A Perfect Assignment

Drafting a Structure:

Every writing task has a format; you need to follow the structure of the format which is asked of you. Drafting the structure of your topic will help you to follow the format and will give you a broad structure to write in. generally most of the task includes introduction in which you introduce the topic to the reader covering 10% of your total writing, then comes the discussion in which  you are required to write the main topic convincing the reader with facts and evidence covering the 80% of the topic and then the final part of conclusion comes in which you evaluate and summarize the topic with no further new information.

Simple Guidelines To Write A Perfect Assignment


Before you start writing, you need to have enough relevant and reliable content which is based on facts related to the topic to write on. For the purpose of research, you can go to different libraries to read take out relevant information from books, talk to experts of the field on which your topic is based on or use internet for researching about the topic online from reliable websites. Once you take out the information, you need to evaluate the information whether it is relevant to your topic or not.

Simple Guidelines To Write A Perfect Assignment


Once you have properly planned your writing, structured your draft into the format you are required to write in and found out enough factual content, your main task of writing comes. It’s always beneficial to write a rough draft first, jotting down the content in points in the format you are supposed to write which will help you in the clarity of writing. Coming up with an introduction is the hardest because it’s basically introducing your reader to the topic, in which you cannot give every information you have, this also where drafting helps. After having a rough draft, you should start writing properly in the format. You should follow your rough draft but use tuned and proper words, using proper grammatical words and punctuation.

Simple Guidelines To Write A Perfect Assignment


After writing you should proofread your writing rereading and making sure that you did not make any mistake in any way. If you come up with a mistake you edit your writing and reread your writing till you are sure that your writing has no errors.

These are the simple guidelines which you can follow to write a perfect assignment and secure good marks and reputation.