
How Is The Subdivision Certificate Important?

How Is The Subdivision Certificate Important?

Subdivision is defined as a kind of development that needs permission under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP Act). A Subdivision Certificate is issued to indicate that approval has been granted.It is necessary to submit an application for a Subdivision Certificate whether or not the subdivision includes construction activity. If construction is needed as part of a subdivision, a Construction Certificate must be obtained before starting any construction activity on the property.

The City Council may grant a Certificate of Subdivision

Remember that the Lane Cove Local Environmental Plan outlines the specific criteria for subdivision, which you should consult for further information.

What Is The Process For Obtaining A Subdivision Certificate?

The procedure of obtaining the subdivision certificate is divided into two stages:

Submitting an Application for Development

A development application must be submitted to acquire a Subdivision Certificate. The steps involved in submitting a development application are outlined below. Lane Cove Council has also produced a Development Application Guide, which outlines the processes involved in drafting and submitting a development application.

Hotel Linen Arrangements

Once you have shown that you have complied with all of the necessary permission conditions, you are obliged to file your linen plans with the appropriate authority (or an Accredited Certifier).If you’re submitting an application to the city, fill out the application for Subdivision Certificate form.

In some instances, extra information may be needed in addition to your linen plans, depending on the nature of the subdivision in question. For example, if the subdivision includes the construction of additional lots, a certificate of conformity from Sydney Water may be needed. The whole list of criteria for hotel linen programs is outlined below.

Council will provide you with a Subdivision Certificate after receiving and processing all of the necessary paperwork from you.

What Do You Need To Provide When Filing A Development Application?

A development application for subdivision must include the following information in addition to any other required information:

The application form is as follows:

It is necessary to submit a complete application form as well as a checklist. A copy of the application form and checklist may be acquired on the council’s website or through the council’s Customer Service Centre.

Please keep in mind that the checklist is an integral element of your application to the City Council. Read over the information sheets and then complete the list entirely and correctly to ensure that there are no unnecessarily long delays in receiving and processing your application.

Consent of all registered owners:

Consent from all of the registered owners is needed. If there are several owners, each owner must sign the document. If a corporation owns the property, the application form must be signed by a person who is authorized to act on behalf of the corporation.Suppose the property is subject to a strata title or is a lot in a community title, then, in addition to the owner’s signature. In that case, the approval of the body corporate is also needed to complete the transaction.