
7 Smart Tips You Can Try To Keep Your Home Clean All the Time

Keeping a clean home can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to take up all of your time. You can still maintain a clean and tidy house even with less time involved, by creating some good habits early on and learning to stick with it.

Also, try to follow these seven practical tips on how to make your house spotless. By developing these habits early on, your home will be tidier and saving yourself from a lot of work.

1. Start by Making the Bed

Many people think that making up their bed is a complete waste of time, but it does make a significant difference to tidy up a room only in a matter of minutes. Moreover, it’s a great way to start the day right. You’ll also appreciate climbing to a well-made bed after the end of a long and tiring day at work. You can make things a lot easier by simplifying your bedding as much as you can.

As an alternative, you can cut off your top sheet and use and washable and duvet cover instead. But if you love your top sheets and don’t want to part with it, you can limit the number of pillows in your bed or use a duvet or comforter, so you don’t have to tuck the sheets.

2. Adopt Two-Minute Rule

Here’s how you can adopt the two-minute rule when cleaning. If something is going to take two minutes or less, then do it right away rather than putting it off later.

For instance, if you’ve got a bill from the mail and you can pay it off online, then why not do it now? That way, you can recycle the paper of the bill right away, and you don’t have to think about it again since it’s already paid. It also keeps the bills from piling up in the kitchen, and dining table.

3. Clean as You Go

The clean-as-you-go rule is an excellent way to keep things clean and tidy all the time, with minimal effort. For instance, when you’re doing a cooking session in the kitchen, nothing is worse than facing a pile of dirty dishes. You can prepare the ingredients for cooking ahead of time, rinse the chopping boards, knives, and utensils that you use along the way. Instead of letting them stack on the sink, you can then put them directly to the dishwasher.

This approach can also do wonders in your living room by incorporating smart storage solutions. Since it receives a high amount of traffic on a daily basis, it’s also prone to clutter.

When you have a letter rack for the mail, a dish for remote controls, racks for a magazine subscription, and hooks for hats, jackets, and bags, everything is in its designated place. Therefore, it can significantly minimize the clutter in your home.

4. Delegate Tasks

Unless you’re living alone, cleaning up all that mess and clutter will always be a group effort. See to it that everyone has weekly chores such as emptying the trash, sweeping, vacuuming, doing the laundry, etc.

If you have kids, then it’s a great way to help them turn into more responsible adults later on. While you might think that it’s easier to do the job by yourself, assigning them with age-appropriate jobs will benefit the entire household in the long run.

You can start by letting your kids pick up after themselves ‒ cleaning their room, putting the dishes on the dishwasher, etc. While it might be challenging for the first few weeks, it will become a habit to your kids as well, and they can finish their tasks with minimal reminders.

It’s incredible how this can impact the overall tidiness of your home, just by getting these little things done.

5. Know High Traffic

If you focus on tidying up high traffic areas in your home on a daily basis, then it can do wonders in preventing dirt and dust throughout the rest of your home. See to it that you have shoe racks at the entrance of your home, and constantly remind everyone to take off their shoes when entering the house. Doing so will keep all the shoe dirt isolated in a single spot.

You can also utilize small rugs at the entrance of doors to help trap a lot of incoming dirt. If you have pets that constantly come in and out, have an old cloth by the door to quickly wipe down their paws once they come in.

Also, as much as you can, try to sweep of vacuum these areas on a daily basis. It doesn’t have to be much ‒ approximately 5 minutes a day should do it.

6. Declutter

Taking time to declutter and organize your home drastically cuts the amount of time you need to tidy it up. Ideally, have a spot for everything, so that it’s both accessible and easy to put away. It’s also more convenient for you to tidy up. Taking items off from the counter and other surfaces make dusting and the whole cleaning process a lot easier.

7. Hire for Help

Everyone might not have a budget to hire a regular professional cleaning service, but the ones who do tend to keep up the daily maintenance of their homes.

Striving for more cleaner spaces deep cleaning your home on a regular basis can be exhausting and time-consuming. People who live hectic lifestyles, such as those who work long hours, or have plenty of family obligations on their hands feel that hiring for help to a cleaning company like Maid Sailors who also offers a Green Cleaning NYC service can be a better alternative. It saves them a lot of time in the process and also gives them peace of mind.

Wrapping It Up

If you’re one of those people who continuously struggle on a daily basis to maintain a clean and orderly home, then applying these simple yet practical tips will help you keep a sparklingly clean house in the long run.


Author Bio:

Jacky Xu is the Chief Operating Officer for, the # 1 cleaning service NYC. Maid Sailors take pride in providing unparalleled cleaning services at affordable prices. Maid Sailors help transform your house into a home.