
8 Best Lifestyle Small Business And Work Ideas

8 Best Lifestyle Small Business And Work Ideas

Being in the same job that you never wanted anyway, for years could really kill your vibe and interest after some time. Hence the reason why people start to look at starting up their own businesses. In a world and generation full of millennials, lifestyle businesses have been a trend.

A lifestyle business doesn’t just necessarily mean running a small business and have it as an alternative to having a job. It doesn’t have to be small either, whether we are talking about the revenue or number of employees. The main thing that lifestyle business offers is that it allows the owner to live how they want to live their life while running the company.

This gets interesting, for sure. So if you are searching and thinking of dropping your 9-5 job to start a new venture, then you’ve come to the right place. Read on below as offers some few ideas to help you start doing business.

Drop Shipping

If you are interested in selling items, then drop shipping business is for you. It allows the entrepreneur to market the items to be sold to people all over the world without leaving the comfort of your home. It doesn’t even need a big capital to start with, nor a physical store to display the items. All you have to do is partner up with a business that is into drop shipping as well and use the online world to market your items. Be prepared though with a trusty desktop and house of research to be always on top of which items are on trend.

Travel Blogging

This business idea is a no-brainer. People who love traveling must try venturing on a travel blog. This kind of business would only need a quality camera to document the travel. A laptop which you can always bring with you and a well-written skill. You only have to write about how amazing your last travel went and share tips as well for those who would want to do the same itinerary as you. Who knows, your next adventure might be all expense paid by the next sponsor?

The only crucial part of this business is finding your niche. Your blog should have its presence in the online world and more so, stand up from the rest. The more traffic and connections you get from readers, the more offers to wait for you as well.

Travel Consultancy

Travel consultancy is a different take. As a travel consultant, you somehow plan the whole travel itinerary for a client. All you have to do is grow your network across the globe, so whichever country a client would plan to go to, you have business partners whom you can rely on as well. The commission is earned from the tickets sold, recommending hotel accommodations and getting travel packages from these partners.

Social Media Influencer

Nowadays, social media is not only known amongst the young blood. Even adults are also into it. Hence the reason why there has been a growth in the population of social media influencers.

The start of social media opens doors to small business owners. Instead of spending a lot to get a celebrity endorser, they turn to social media influencers to market their product. Social media influencers in return get freebies to try and post about on their accounts. The more followers you have the more collaborations you will get.


Being a blogger can be teamed-up with being a social media influencer. If for instance, you have already made a mark on social media, chances are once you start up a blog people will still follow you with the new venture. To grow your blog followers can result in growing advertisements as well on your page. And that’s how a blogger earns.

Freelance Writer

If you have so many ideas in your mind that need unleashing, try working as a freelance writer. The online world and printed publications are always in need of interesting content. So be the answer to their prayers by offering your services to them, at a cost of course.

Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing entails a passive income, and that is the dream by most. The idea is about advertising other people’s products and then earn a commission for every interaction made. It’s all about revenue sharing. If you have a product that you want to be promoted, then partner up with someone whom you would have to offer financial incentives. If you don’t have a product, then offer to market someone else’s item and earn an income as an affiliate marketer.

Event Planner

If one thing that you would want to stay away from is endless hours spent on work, then be an event planner. You work schedule depends on the event you would be planning. There are days that you would be busy the whole week. And then in return, a whole week of rest too. With this kind of business, you help the client plan a special occasion or a social event to be possible. You should strictly organize yourself because the reminders of what needs to be done will sometimes rely on you. You are also free to suggest fresh ideas to help the client with conceptualizing.

After providing the lifestyle business ideas above, the real question now is “what do you want from your business, now and moving forward?”

Be honest with yourself and don’t rush the decision. Take time to think about what you really wanted to do. Forget about getting a quick return on investment at this moment, because lifestyle business could not provide you that much initially. What it can give you though is freedom. And it could also give you back the kind of lifestyle you had been dreaming about all this time.