
Tips For College Freshmen

Tips For College Freshmen

Have you just finished four rigorous years of high school filled with activities, study sessions and an endless stream of parties? Congratulations are in order for your accomplishments and achievements. Heading off to college is a tremendously exciting time for every senior that is fortunate enough to attend. College is a huge opportunity that can either be squandered or taken advantage of. No doubt you have had an army of support from family members, faculty and staff to reach the level of achievement which you’ve thus far displayed. Follow these proven suggestions and tips from successful graduates and college admissions counselors to ensure your first year in college is successful.

Heading off to college is a time of tremendous change and challenge for most high school graduates. Leaving home and the security of friends, family, familiar surroundings and routines can pose its own set of challenges. Couple that with living in a dorm setting with very little private space and multiple demands on your time and your either have a recipe for difficulties or an opportunity to rise to the occasion. This myriad of adjustments makes the first semester of the freshman year in college the most challenging.

The first step is to connect with each of your professors during their office hours to introduce yourself. You’ll appreciate the rapport you’ll establish during this time should you run into challenges with the workload and course material and need extra assistance.  Search out a quiet study carousel in the library and designate two to three hours each day to master the material in each of your courses. Do not wait until a few days prior to an exam to begin learning the material.  Reach out to fellow students in your class that may be from different cities, backgrounds or ethnicities than your own. College is a time for exploration and those you chose to share your time with should be like minded.

The summer before college is the time to work hard at your job and begin the packing process for your dorm and new college life. Check out the awesome deals offered by Groupon coupons and select from the great styles available for a tremendous value from the fashion experts at Express. Finally, stay connected with the support system that helped get you where you are today. They want to share in your successes, discoveries and challenges.